
Journal Writing

I was there, on r/wsb, during the $GME boom. For two weeks my Reddit feed didn’t contain anything else than GME memes, calls to arms, and too many posts of people betting their life saving on Robinhood.

Little rant ahead…

Czech Republic is breaking all records regarding Covid-19. Here we are, small, insignificant, middle-European country ranking top in at least something except beer consumption. And while many countries are slowly returning to regular life, Czech republic is in despair taking further measures to put a stop to the hyperbolically growing number of cases. We are going into the March with the country being locked up to individual districts. Vaccination is super slow and would be probably even slower haven’t we received dontaions from neighboring countries. And last but not least the only thing left after Chytrá karanténa, E-Rouška, Polní nemocnice, PES (Protiepidemický systém), and other government projects that should have helped with the situation is the largest budget deficit up to date.


This month was in the spirit of coding and programming. I read the whole documentation of Hashicorp Waypoint. It’s still pretty young but very interesting technology that aims to “provide a modern work flow to build, deploy, and release across platforms”. As with anything else by Hashicorp it is just wonderful piece of software. Waypoint is in it’s infancy and under heavy development but it will be interesting product to watch.

As I spend a lot of time working I wasn’t quite in the mood for books, on the other hand I found a couple of interesting articles. Here are the ones that I enjoyed:



Based on recent experience, Ethiophia is not quite my cup of coffee (all puns intended).


Net Worth: €7727.36 (+€1441.02)
Running: 17.16 hours, 220.81 km, 17 runs
Cycling: 4.06 hours, 115.91 km, 1231 m ↑, 2 rides
Swimming: 0 hours, 0 km, 0 swims
Activity Totals: 40.3 hours, 444.76 km, 27 activities