
Journal Writing

I started building my personal knowledge base/wiki - wiki.dzx.cz. The wiki is heavily inspired by Everything I know by Nikita Voloboev, although I initially planned to use Notion for the purpose it is missing sidebar for easy navigation.

April was in the name of sports. I finished with 27 active days for the total of 67 hours, keeping the bar high after Mallorca. My Achilles tendon is soar and running is still impossible or very unpleasant but slowly getting better. On the other hand, my cycling performance is better by the day.

Oh, and we did this crazy thing. Except my stomach protesting half the ride it wasn’t as brutal as I expected, only long, very long. I left Litomerice before 8:00, met with Vojta around 3 hours in, we had a quick stop for a large bowl of pasta with tune and sauce and a coffee at Plzen at around 13:00 and we arrived at Doubravka at 19:30.

And I migrated this website to Cloudflare using their new Cloudflare Pages service. Netlify was fine but now I can have everything under one roof and Cloudflare has also some other cool services I can’t wait to try.





Nothing new in April. Will order something good this month.


Net Worth: €9696.09 (+€1721.88)
Running: 5.4 hours, 71.45 km, 7 runs
Cycling: 48.82 hours, 1275.37 km, 16804 m ↑, 17 rides
Swimming: 0 hours, 0 km, 0 swims
Activity Totals: 66.2 hours, 1529.04 km, 35 activities