
Journal Writing

Road to Ironman

Two half Ironmans done this month. Czechman, the biggest Czech race with over 500 people in the starting field and Doksyrace that I already attended last year. As usually both with terrible swim and by terrible I mean bottom of the bracket terrible. One might expect that consistently failing in single discipline will teach me a lesson and motivate me to get working on it but that’s not the case. I still go to the swimming pool ones or twice a week at best and consider that good enough. And I am afraid it will stay this way until it’s too late and there’s one month left until…

Ironman Frankfurt. Yes, I registered for full distance Ironman next year in June. Do I know what am I getting myself into? Vaguely. Will it hurt? Definitely. Will I improve my swimming until then? Most likely not. The target is not to set any targets and to finish the race. Given the distance (3.8 km swim, 180 km cycling, 42 km run) this means conservative tempo and great nutrition plan execution. My experience from both half Ironmans this month is experience of excruciating stomach pain during the run and I don’t want to go through that on a Marathon distance run after 6 hours of racing give or take.


Glossglockner, at 3,798 m elevation, is the highest peak of Austria and also the highest peak I ever climbed. The peak was first ascended in 28th July 1800 by a local priest and 4 peasants and carpenters and made widely touristic by the construction of scenic High Alpine Road between 1930 and 1935.


Liquicity label held the first festival after 574 days long sabbatical. Maduk, who hosts and headlines this yearly event was missing, but his replacement Andromedik, the new Belgian young gun, didn’t disappoint. As is the custom, liquid genre was long gone by 2 am in the morning and for the rest of the night one could hear mostly Neurofunk with occasional breaks into other drum and bass sub-genres such as Jump Up or Jungle.






Net Worth: €21521.65 (+€1792.22)
Running: 13.56 hours, 172.07 km, 13 runs
Cycling: 19.98 hours, 632.7 km, 5985.8 m ↑, 10 rides
Swimming: 3.58 hours, 11.02 km, 6 swims
Activity Totals: 42.25 hours, 824.72 km, 38 activities