
Journal Writing

I ran my strongest run to date. 23.38 km, 423 m elevation gain, 4:40 avg. pace and 162 avg. heart rate. I don’t think I ever held my heart rate over 160 bpm for 1 hour, yet alone 1 hour and 48 minutes, and I hope I won’t ever have to do that again. The run was part of Run Berounka Run, a trail running relay following the Berounka river in south-western part of the Czech republic. Verča invited me to the race 2 weeks prior so I had around 0 preparation in terms of long distance tempo running. But, I would be lying if I said that more time for preparation would make me train for it. Either way, I enjoyed the race greatly. It was very different from any other race I did up to date. The scenery, route, and perfect pacing all added up to the best run I ever had. In the end, we finished in 17th place out of 49 teams and I had second best time on my segment. Looking forward to more running races next year, and maybe finally even the sub-3 marathon.




Net Worth: €21521.65 (+€1792.22)
Running: 13.56 hours, 172.07 km, 13 runs
Cycling: 19.98 hours, 632.7 km, 5985.8 m ↑, 10 rides
Swimming: 3.58 hours, 11.02 km, 6 swims
Activity Totals: 42.25 hours, 824.72 km, 38 activities

Body Stats

Body Weight: 79 kg
Body Fat %: 13.2%
VO2 MAX: 59 ml / min / kg