
Keeping packages up to date

brew upgrade is a convenient way to update your packages to their latest version. The issue is, at one point or another not all your packages will be installed by brew.

To keep my system up to date I am using a tiny fish function that updates binaries installed through my most commonly used package managers, tools, and languages:

function update --description "Update binaries"
    brew update; and brew upgrade
    fisher update
    gup update
    npm update -g
    rustup update
    cargo install-update -a

Every now and then, I run update and get my whole system to latest version of tools. I tried topgrade before, but it’s heavyweight for my use case and often failed for (to me) unclear reasons. On the other hand, update function is less than 10 lines of code long and allows me to easily find the commands that run under the hood in case anything fails.