Backcountry skiing in Switzerland 2020
Here’s a little, unfinished take on our latest skitouring trip to Switzerland. See the attached Strava activities for more photos and full route.
With the scary vision of after-christmas overeating we packed our packs in the evening of 24th December and soon after, in the morning hours of 25th, we left for the Switzerland.
Flüela Wisshorn
After a cold night in a car (and by cold I mean really cold) we had a slow breakfast, cup of aeropress coffee, and we set off around 9:00. To our great horror after about an hour later we realized that we left all snacks in the car. With a vision of already ruined day we slowly broke our trail through the deep, fresh snow. The effort was grueling. Slowly we diverged from our originally planned route and later on had a lot of trouble getting back between steep slopes, giant boulders, and high snowdrifts.
The day was slowly passing by, and it didn’t take long for us to realize that we are far behind the schedule. Still, we made our way until we were mere 100 vertical meters from the Flüela Wisshorn peek. There we reasonably decided to turn around. The sun was slowly setting toward the horizon and we were already tired, bad snow condition didn’t help either.

Downhill was fun, except a few little slabs that slowly rolled away here and there… We enjoyed our 5 minutes of fame before the gradient evened out and we had to walk for a little bit more. The rest of the downhill was zigzagging between stones deep hidden under the powder cover. The skis suffered a couple of hits but nothing horrific.
St. Antönien
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