
Journal Writing

The start of January was hectic. Several school projects that I left hanging needed to be done in a short period of time. I spent whole first weekend of January catching up Blockchain and TLS homeworks for Cybersecurity labs and a few afternoons drawing scratches for the Art class. Anyway, hell or high water I still squeezed in 2 weeks of ski touring in Krkonoše in terrific conditions. In the typical Krkonoše manner the ridges were cold and windy but a few meters lower we had better conditions than in the Switzerland. Tone of powder, great visibility and only a few other enthusiast cutting their way up for the minute of glory on the way down.

The 2021 is going well so far. I am running 10k per day so far, writing slightly less than desired, skiing more than I hoped for, being considerate of my spendings, and still enjoying every day like there’s no other.

Although not a formal mental-health diagnosis, duck syndrome has mostly been described in college or graduate students and refers to the situation in which the sufferer looks completely calm on a superficial level while in reality they are frantically trying to keep up with the demands of their life. Duck syndrome often indicates that the person experiencing it is suffering from clinical depression, anxiety, or another mental illness. Duck syndrome and a culture of misery



Liquicity release bunch of DJ sets in a series called Hello 2021. Polygon and Maduk are currently my favorites and I have them on repeat every run.



Net Worth: €6286.35 (+€1500.13)
Running: 25.59 hours, 329.3 km, 22 runs
Cycling: 0 hours, 0 km, 0 m ↑, 0 rides
Swimming: 0.1 hours, 73 km, 2 swims
Activity Totals: 44.03 hours, 498.46 km, 33 activities