

This weekend I have been updating and rewritting my CV, in Typst. The official description of Typst is:

A new markup-based typesetting system that is powerful and easy to learn.

which is true and maybe even an understatement. Typst is easy to learn, so much so that after understanding a few basic principles, one can guess how the rest works (exaggering here, but the language is indeed neatly designed and structured). It’s a LaTeX for human beings. Typst support all the important things out of the box; tables, bibliography, figures, you name it. Furthermore, there’s the Typst Universe with evergrowing number of packages, to name a few, there’s a IEEE-style paper template, codly for code snippets, drafting for comments and margin notes and much more, all easily searchable.

I wish Typst existing back during my university years. LaTeX was a love-hate relationship, especially when it comes to installing packages and running everything locally.